Yearly Archives: 2022

Before embarking on an export drive, you will need to research your business environment and figure out how to optimise your marketing efforts. Each new market will present you with brand new challenges that may require new strategies to ensure success.
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we discussed the importance of understanding the market dynamics of the country in which you plan to sell your product. Once you have that all-important step ticked off your list, your next step is to decide how you will be entering the market in question. 
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Export administration is a complex process in which numerous parties participate. Understanding the steps, the documentation and the role players involved is fundamental to your export success. Assuming you are familiar with the services of forwarding and clearing agents and the purpose of customs duties, your next step will be to understand the role of customs authorities in the export administration process.
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As an aspiring exporter you may consider your company and products to be export ready. You may have done sufficient market and marketing research to identify your target markets and select your marketing mix for each market, and you may even have started receiving inquiries. To keep the ball rolling, you now need to become acquainted with the essentials of export administration.
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Business executives require a great deal of insight and information in order to identify the most viable markets for international expansion. Their investigations need to encompass each potential market’s international environments
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For businesses investigating the international environment with a view to exporting, there are some pivotal international marketing decisions to be made before an export marketing plan can be finalised. One of these decisions is your company’s market entry strategy, which will be dependent on a number of factors.
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Exporting has a sequence of steps that must be closely followed from beginning to end. In this article, we take a look at a few important points you need to know before starting your export journey.
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So, you finally have a seemingly exportable product; it meets the trade statutory requirements of the importing country, and it can easily be modified to meet the needs of your potential new market. A third consideration, however, is missing. That consideration is the product-market relationship, in other words, the sales potential of your products in your prospective international marketing environments. 
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Making the transition from domestic sales to foreign sales requires a comprehensive understanding of the international environment. In order to develop your export marketing plan, a great deal of research and analysis must be done prior to market engagement.
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Export administration as a topic has a lot of ‘moving parts’, from the various regulatory bodies to every middleman and facilitator in between. In order to ensure you are on the right track, it is essential to understand every role player and process involved.
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